2021 - Present PhD Psychology
The University of Sheffield
Thesis: The cognitive correlates of First-Person Shooter gameplay. Supervised by Professor Claudia von Bastian, Dr Dan Carroll and Prof. Robert Schmidt
2019 - 2021 MSc Cognitive Neuroscience and Human Neuroimaging
Distinction The University of Sheffield
Research Project: Action video gamers’ task switching and processing speed abilities: a mixed method investigation. Supervised by Professor Claudia von Bastian.
Modules: Fundamentals of Neuroscience, Fundamentals of Cognition, Neuroimaging 1&2, Neuroanatomy, Systems Neuroscience, Data Analysis and Visualisation.
2016 - 2019 BSc Psychology
2:1 The University of Hull
Research Project: An investigation into attentional bias towards academic threat words among high- and low-test anxious university students. Supervised by Dr Henning Holle.
Modules: Research Skills, Neuroscience, Cognition & Development, Social Psychology & Autism, Individual Differences, Psychological Wellbeing, Health Psychology, Global Challenge.
Teaching & Supervision
2023 - 2025 Graduate Teaching Assistant (GTA)
The University of Sheffield
Psychological Research Methodology (PSY1005/PSY2005): facilitated tutorials for first and second-year psychology undergraduate students in the modules, which introduced the knowledge and skills foundational to psychology and assessed assignments and collaborated with colleagues in regular meetings to refine tutorial delivery and address student feedback.
Coding for Psychologists (PSY31008): supported teaching in workshops for third-year psychology undergraduate students in the module, which taught the principles and applications of R in psychological research. Evaluated weekly coursework and collaborated with colleagues in regular meetings to refine workshop delivery and address student feedback.
Cognitive Psychology (PSY1002): assessed assignments for first-year psychology undergraduate students in the module, which introduced foundational aspects of cognition and research methodologies.
2023 - 2025 Lectures
Sheffield United Community College: delivered a lecture to BTEC Level 3 eSports students titled Researching Video Gaming & Esports as a Window to Cognitive Plasticity.
Contemporary Issues in Psychology (PSY217): delivered a lecture on my research on the cognitive correlates of video game play to second-year psychology undergraduate students in the module, which introduced students to a range of current research from within the school.
2023 - 2025 Lectures
The University of Sheffield
Supervised and co-assessed two Cognitive Neuroscience and one Research Method MSc research project, focused on the cognitive correlates of FPS games. Provided mentorship throughout research projects regarding project planning, ethics applications, data collection, and data analysis as well as beyond the project, for example regarding careers.
Research Employment
July 2022 - Research Associate
October 2024 The University of Sheffield
International ESRC-funded project titled: Cognitive Training Effects Across the Adult Lifespan: A Diffusion Modelling Approach.
Managed and implemented the study design, coordinated day-to-day data collection and managed the hiring, training and supervision of Research Assistants.
Data collection including the administration of the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA), computer-based cognitive tasks and questionnaires to participants aged 18-85 years.
Data analysis using advanced statistical methods and computational models (drift-diffusion modelling) employing version control and collaboration tools (GitHub).
Contribution to the dissemination of findings at conferences and through publications.​
May 2022 - Research Assistant
July 2022 The University of Sheffield
Developed a series of video tutorials which covered key features and functionalities of Tatool-Web ( a free, open-source research software package for implementing and conducting online and offline behavioural experiments), from basic setup and installation to linking with other experimental software necessary for data collection.
Hyde, E. R. A., Carroll, D. J., Schmidt, R., & von Bastian, C. C (in Prep). Processing Speed and Multitasking Performance in First-Person Shooter Players: A Drift-Diffusion Model Approach.
Hyde, E. R. A., Musfeld, P., Carroll, D. J., Schmidt, R., & von Bastian, C. C (in Prep). Hebb-repetition learning in First-Person Shooter and Non-Video Game Players.
Hyde, E. R. A., Aryanto, C. B., & von Bastian, C. C (in Prep). Leisure Activity Engagement Across the Lifespan.
von Bastian, C. C, Hyde, E. R. A. & Jiang, S. (2024). Tackling Cognitive Decline in Late Adulthood: Cognitive Interventions. Current Opinion in Psychology, 56(101780).
Conferences & Talks
European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Sheffield, UK (upcoming) Talk: Cognitive Correlates of Expertise in Video Game Players
Open Research Conversations, University of Sheffield, UK (upcoming) Panel Discussion: Early Career Researchers and Open Research
Music, Mind, Machine (MMM) Research Centre Launch Day, Sheffield, UK (upcoming) Poster: Video Games and Cognition
Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, New York, USA (2024) Poster: Hebb-repetition learning in players of the video game Counter-Strike
4th International Conference on Working Memory, Leeds, UK (2024) Poster: A cross-sectional study of Hebb repetition-learning in first-person shooter game players
Memory & Attention Laboratory, University of South Dakota, USA (2024) Talk: Processing speed and multitasking in FPS players: a drift-diffusion model approach
Psychology Research Fair, University of Sheffield, UK (2024) Talk: Processing speed and multitasking performance in Counter-Strike players: a cross-sectional study
Symposium on Cognitive Abilities & Plasticity, University of Sheffield, UK (2024) Talk: Processing speed and multitasking in Counter-Strike players: a drift-diffusion model approach
Faculty of Psychology, Universitas Indonesia, Indonesia (2023) Talk: Cognitive correlates of first-person shooter gaming
Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, USA (2023) Poster: Methodological challenges of video game research
European Society for Cognitive Psychology, Porto, Portugal (2023) Poster: Cognitive correlates of action video gaming: a cross-sectional study of Counter-Strike players
OpenFest, University of Sheffield, UK (2022) Talk: Tatool-Web Support and Interface for Experimental Code
Psychonomic Society Annual Meeting, Boston, USA (2022) Poster: Cognitive correlates of action video gaming: a cross-sectional study of habitual and professional Counter-Strike players
Learning and Plasticity (LaP), Äkäslompolo, Finland (2022) Poster: The association between video game expertise and processing speed, task mixing, and switching in Counter-Strike players
Academic Service
2024 – 2025 Postgraduate Researcher Committee Member, ESCoP 2025
2023 – 2025 Digital Student Ambassador, The University of Sheffield
2024 – 2025 Psychology PGR Society Inclusion Officer, The University of Sheffield
2023 - Present Research Culture Steering Board Member, The University of Sheffield
2021 – 2022 Psychology PGR Society Inclusion Officer, The University of Sheffield
2021 – 2023 Psychology PGR Academic Representative, The University of Sheffield
European Society for Cognitive Psychology (ESCoP), Associate Member: 18164
Psychonomic Society Graduate Student Member: 69586300​